Why Couples Coaching?

How Can It Help?

  • Deepen your understanding of one another
  • Improve communication
  • Highlight areas for growth and develop a plan to work on together
  • Develop conflict resolution skills
  • Encourage emotional intimacy
  • Support each others personal development
  • Create a shared language with the Enneagram
  • Provides a guide for mutual support

Coaching vs. Therapy

  • Proactive approach to improving your relationship and prepare for future challenges
  • Focused on goals and solutions
  • Determine objectives and work towards developing tools and strategies


a.k.a. Where the Magic Happens


STEP 1: Initial Discovery Call

We start with a non-commital 'Chemistry Call' to ensure we are a good fit. You tell me what you both hope to accomplish. I provide you with honest feedback on how I can help, or not.


STEP 2: Full Assesment

This is where the fun begins. We get right into the process starting with the Enneagram assessment and plenty of time to review all the juicy insights it provides. We will have 1:1 reviews of your individual results and several sessions to break down the couples report together.


STEP 3: Goal Mapping

With deeper awareness of your gifts, as well as communication and conflict style, motivations, fears, blind spots and triggers, we craft a solid plan of action with measureable results.


STEP 4: Support for True Change

Together we determine the frequency of coaching and length of our intial engagement. Coaching sessions are generally 60 minutes and you will have some key take action items for your work inbetween sessions. I recommend a minimum of 3 sessions together as a couple.

The gift of the Enneagram in relationships is not just in understanding your partner better, but in growing more compassionate towards their unique journey and struggles.

So What is the Enneagram Anyway?


For as long as humans have roamed the planet, we have been trying to understand human behavior.

This system has evolved, through different wisdom traditions, and was brought to the US as a tool within spiritual direction.

Today, it offers in-depth insight to individuals, groups, and organizations, and offers a rich map to personal development.


The theory is based on the idea that each person has a unique personality that shapes their view of the world.

There are 9 different types, wings, 27 subtypes and 3 centers of intelligence that serve as the basis for the framework.

Working with the Enneagram empowers us to be responsible for our behaviors and growth, with a broader understanding of why we act and react the way we do.

The Difference

Out of all the personality assessments out there, I have never seen one so comprehensive. It dives into our strengths and weaknesses, but also explores deeper motivations, triggers and fears that drive our thoughts, feelings and actions.

It not only reveals what holds an us back, but also offers insights into the journey towards wholeheartedness, providing a path towards growth and alternatives to our habitual patterns.

Photography by BLKP - Breanna Kuhlmann @breekuhlmann

©2023 Kristin Kober Coaching and Consulting

Kristin Kober Coaching and Consulting

©2023 Kristin Kober Coaching and Consulting